Answer: Option E
Answer: Option D
Answer: Option E
Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B
Answer: Option D
Answer: Option B
Answer: Option C
Answer: Option E
Answer: Option C
Answer: Option B
Answer: Option C
Answer: Option D
Pick up the correct statement from
the following:
Answer: Option E
Initial setting time of cement for
asbestos cement products should be not less than
Pick up the correct statement
regarding low heat cement from the following:
Name the type of cement from the
following for canal linings :
If water required for 1 bag of
cement is 30 litres, the water cement ratio is :
Answer: Option C
The weight of 1 m3 of
brick earth, is about
Answer: Option C
Mastic asphalt is normally used
Strength of cement concrete
primarily depends upon
Soundness of cement is tested by
Slump test for concrete is carried
out, to determine
In case of Raymond pile
The foundations are placed below
ground level, to increase
The loose pockets in soil mass can
be bridged safely by providing a raft foundation provided the soft area is
smaller than
The concrete slump recommended for
beams and slabs ; is
The entrained concrete is used in
lining walls and roofs for making
For providing a raft foundation,
the following activities are involved
The correct sequence is |
Answer: Option C
During percussion drilling
Answer: Option D
Raft foundation are generally
preferred to when the area required for individual footing, is more than
Answer: Option D
Pick up the incorrect statement
from the following:
Answer: Option E
The process of keeping concrete
moist for a certain period after its finishing, is known as
Answer: Option B
Raft foundations are used for :
Answer: Option D
The foundation which consists of a
thick reinforced cement slab covering whole area to support heavy
concentrated structural loads, is known as
Answer: Option C
For a wall carrying heavy load on
low bearing capacity soil,
Answer: Option D
The bearing capacity of a water
logged soil, may be improved by
Answer: Option C
Two columns 50 cm x 50 cm and 60
cm x 60 cm carry 80 tonnes and 120 tonnes of loads respectively. The centre
to centre distance between columns is 5.00 metres. The permissible bearing
capacity of the soil is 20 t/m2. If the footing is not to project
more than 25 cm beyond the outside of the smaller column, pick up the correct
design parameters of the footing from the following:
Answer: Option E
The formWork including the props
can be removed from beams, only after
Answer: Option C
The concrete slump recommended for
foundations, is
Answer: Option C
The construction joints in
buildings are provided after
Answer: Option D
Pick up the correct statements
from the following :
Answer: Option D
Pick up the correct statement from
the following:
Answer: Option D
Pick up the correct statement from
the following :
Answer: Option E
If h is the difference in
level between end points separated by l, then the slope correction is
. The second term may be neglected if the value of h
in a 20 m distance is less than
Answer: Option D
The accuracy of measurement in
chain surveying, does not depend upon
Answer: Option D
Offsets are measured with an
accuracy of 1 in 40. If the point on the paper from both sources of error
(due to angular and measurement errors) is not to exceed 0.05 cm on a scale
of 1 cm = 20 m, the maximum length of offset should be limited to
Answer: Option B
Ranging in chain survey means
Answer: Option B
The operation of resection
involves the following steps
Answer: Option A
If the length of a transition
curve to be introduced between a straight and a circular curve of radius 500
m is 90 m, the maximum perpendicular offset for the transition curve, is
Answer: Option C
For quality control of Portland
cement, the test essentially done is
Answer: Option E
If 1500 g of water is required to
have a cement paste 1875 g of normal consistency, the percentage of water is,
Answer: Option B
Hydration of cement is due to
chemical action of water with
Answer: Option D
Answer: Option D
Curing a concrete for long period
ensures better
Answer: Option E
Pick up the correct statement from
the following:
Answer: Option E
Workability of concrete is
measured by
Answer: Option B
Shrinkage in concrete can be
reduced by using
Answer: Option E
A construction joint is provided
Answer: Option D
Pick up the correct statement from
the following:
Answer: Option D
Pick up the incorrect statement
from the following:
Answer: Option C
Permissible compressive strength
of M 150 concrete grade is
Answer: Option C
Slump test of concrete is a
measure ofits
Answer: Option A
Water cement ratio is
Answer: Option E
Separation of water or water sand
cement from a freshly concrete, is known
Answer: Option A
According to Water-Cement Ratio
Law, the strength of workable plastic concrete
Answer: Option D
High temperature
Answer: Option B
Allowable shear strength of
concrete, depends upon
Answer: Option A
Workability of concrete mix with
low water cement ratio is determined by
Answer: Option C
While designing an air entrained
Answer: Option E
Concrete gains strength due to
Answer: Option C
Expansion joints are provided if
the length of concrete structures exceeds
Answer: Option E
Workability improved by adding
Answer: Option E
If the slump of a concrete mix is
60 mm, its workability is
Answer: Option C
Pick up the correct statement from
the following:
Answer: Option E
The shortest distance between two
places measured along the surface of the earth, is
Answer: Option C
In the cantilever truss as shown
in below figure, the horizontal component of the reaction at A, is
Answer: Option A
For a simply supported beam with a
central load, the bending moment is
Answer: Option D
A simply supported beam carrying a
uniformly distributed load over its whole span, is propped at the centre of
the span so that the beam is held to the level of the end supports. The
reaction of the prop will be
Answer: Option C
The range within which a load can
be applied on a rectangular column, to avoid any tensile stress, is
Answer: Option B
The shear stress at any section of
a shaft is maximum
Answer: Option C
The region of the cross-section of
a column in which compressive load may be applied without producing any
tensile stress, is known as the core of the cross-section. In circular
columns the radius of the core, is
Answer: Option C
The maximum bending moment due to
a moving load on a simply supported beam, occurs
Answer: Option C
A simply supported beam of span L
carries a uniformly distributed load W. The maximum bending moment M
Answer: Option C
A cantilever beam rectangular in
cross-section is subjected to an isolated load at its free end. If the width
of the beam is doubled, the deflection of the free end will be changed in the
ratio of
Answer: Option C
When equal and opposite forces
applied to a body, tend to elongate it, the stress so produced, is called
Answer: Option C
Stress in a beam due to simple
bending, is
Answer: Option A
The bending moment is maximum on a
section where shearing force
Answer: Option D
A district road with a bituminous
pavement has a horizontal curve of 1000 m for a design speed of 75 km ph. The
super-elevation is
Answer: Option A
The total length of a valley
formed by two gradients - 3% and + 2% curve between the two tangent points to
provide a rate of change of centrifugal acceleration 0.6 m/sec2,
for a design speed 100 km ph, is
Answer: Option A
The advantage of providing
superelevation on roads, is
Answer: Option E
For a vehicle moving with a speed
of 80 km per hour, the brake reaction time, in ordinary cases, is
Answer: Option D
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